Welcome to the Residents' Association of the Borough Market Neighbourhood

The vibrant area between Borough Market, Southwark Cathedral and the Thames is also home to a close-knit and diverse community of hundreds of residents of all ages.

Who are we? 
For years, we’ve quietly worked together to ensure that our historic neighbourhood remains a great place to live. We’ve built friendships, trust, and relationships with local stakeholders. We’ve tried to make sure new developments respect both our environment and the well-being of everyone who lives here.

Why an association?
A neighbourhood survey in 2024 revealed a wish for a formal, recognised organisation to represent and protect our much-loved but stressed urban village. 

So we’ve created just that: The Residents' Association of the Borough Market Neighbourhood (RABMN) — an unincorporated community group with a constitution, volunteer officers and a steering committee. 


What we do

Our community welcomes positive change and regeneration and we engage with applications that will affect our area. We’re also a resource when it comes to new proposals and applications. It’s important to us to engage with projects at a stage when we can still make a difference. 
Knowing the local pressure points, and knowledgeable about heritage, we can advise on design, conservation and operational measures to ensure that new applications are considerate and respectful enough to earn our support. 

Planning and Licensing

We engage with applications that will affect our area:

Planning, Licensing, Highways, Filming.

We examine projects in detail, negotiate conditions with applicants, coordinate responses and represent residents at hearings.

We monitor, document and report breaches, working to make sure that our lively area is also a liveable one. 

Environment Issues

We tackle local environmental issues, working proactively with the appropriate stakeholders or authorities:

Noise (antisocial behaviour, out-of-hours bottling and servicing, over-loud music, noise from construction and ventilation, antisocial busking in the wrong places)

Traffic and congestion (access for residents and emergency vehicles, large vehicles, emissions, bike-dumping)

Sanitation (road cleaning, commercial waste, public bins, ventilation odours)

Community Collaboration

We engage with other stakeholders to maintain the well-being of the area and our residents:

Southwark Council, the Borough Market, Southwark Cathedral, Borough Yards, Better Bankside, the Metropolitan Police, Bankside Open Spaces Trust, the Port of London Authority, the River Residents Group, the Shad Thames Residents Association, Living Bankside, and other community groups, restaurants, bars, shops, offices.

We organise community meetings so that new applicants can present their projects and proposals, answer our questions and hear our candid concerns.

We inform our neighbours about local outages, events or new openings, sharing information and contacts.

In times of trouble, such as the 2017 terror attack and during the pandemic, our lines of communication helped us all through. 

We plan to offer occasional social events for neighbours to meet, celebrate or commemorate.


Supporting the community

As a community-driven group located in the heart of London, our aim is to bring residents together and address local issues with friendly cooperation. By organizing events and meetings, we foster a supportive environment for all our members.

We are committed to creating positive change and enhancing the living experience in our neighbourhood. We welcome all residents to join us and share their ideas. Let's work together to make our neighbourhood an even better place to live.

Residents' Association of Borough Market Neighbourhood

Meet the Team

Chair - Christian Pintado
Vice-Chair - Michelle Lovric
Treasurer - Guillaume Banderet
Secretary - Lee Brailey

Steering Committee Members:
Devika Khopkar
Martha Kearney
Sylvia Williams

Get in touch

If you are interested in joining the association, or would like to ask a question, send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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